Resultados: 3

Conhecimento de estudantes adolescentes sobre transmissão,prevenção e comportamentos de risco em relação as DST/HIV/AIDS

Objective: To evaluate adolescents’ knowledge, public school students in the city of Natal/RN, about transmission, prevention and risk behavior regarding STD/HIV/AIDS. Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach carried out from March to December 2013 with 222 students of a public school in ...

Adolescentes em acolhimento provisório: uma análise investigativa sobre a vulnerabilidade ao HIV

Objective: to analyze the perceptions of adolescents in provisional reception about its vulnerability to HIV. Method: descriptive and exploratory study of qualitative nature. It was conducted with adolescents institutionalized in Casa de Passagem III located in Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, by the...

Avaliação das ações de aconselhamento para a prevenção das DST/AIDS sob a óptica de usuários

Objective: to evaluate the users' opinion on the operation of the Center and Counseling Center. Method: evaluative study with quantitative and qualitative approach, consisting of 52 members who responded to a semi-structured interview that it was possible to assess indicators of user satisfaction with th...